Terms of use – copyright of Marketing Greece’s Content Library

Marketing Greece’s  Content Library is a freely available content library which we have created and share with you in order to promote our country in the digital world.

Marketing Greece owns the copyright in photographs and videos and allows you to use them free of charge for non-commercial/not-for-profit purposes under the following specific terms:

  • to support the promotional goals of businesses or persons when such goals are related to the tourism promotion of the country or of its tourism products;
  • to be employed for personal use or for other non-commercial communication/transmission when the tourism promotion of the country or of its tourism products is served;
  • the sale or other such commercial use of the material in order to derive profit (lending, providing use in exchange for consideration, etc.) is not permitted;
  • any alteration of images or any reproduction thereof in such manner as may harm the reputation of Marketing Greece and of the photographers is not permitted;
  • any use or reproduction of the photographs and videos of the content library must invariably cite the source (either Marketing Greece or its official online platform, unless such use or reproduction of material is being made by Greek tourism businesses for which the present restriction does not apply.

Personal Data Protection

The personal data (full name and email address) which you submit shall be processed by Marketing Greece S.A. exclusively for the purpose of identifying the persons to whom Marketing Greece S.A. assigns the right of use of the material, at all times in compliance with the legal, technical and organizational guarantees provided for by the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679.

For more information about your rights regarding the processing of your personal data and to consult  Marketing Greece’s personal data protection policy, please click here.